The Warren Attack

For the record I could care less about the political career of Elizabeth Warren. I am not political and despite my name being thrown around as part of some campaign on her behalf its just plain BS . I became involved when I happened to see the absurd statements by Barnes and her cronies in regards to her genealogy. Statements that any  genealogist worth their salt know are just plain absurd.

Barnes entire campaign and so called “Proof” as to Warrens possible Native American heritage is two fold. One is that the records she has pulled up census, death, marriage and etc say she and her ancestors are white and two she has not found her ancestors on the fraudulent Dawes rolls or other  Native American Rolls. Barnes has posted on her phony Cherokee Facebook page, the statement “Just a thought………….if Richard Dorrough was such a “great genealogist”, then why couldn’t he prove me wrong about Warren?
February 12 at 1:29pm Twila Barnes.. The fact is you obnoxious arrogant cow is that you have proven NOTHING. No matter how many times you say it .No matter how many times you demand that you have the fact is  you have proven nothing so there is nothing to prove you wrong abut. What HAS been proven is that your claim and theories are plain BS. Your entire argument is based on finding records that list people as white and not finding her family on the rolls. Rolls such as the Dawes or the Miller rolls that are so fake and fraudulent no genealogists would accept them as proof . I will use Barnes own ancestors records to prove it.

Any real genealogist will tell you that being listed as white on census,marriage and other records means nothing and does not present a fact that you were white.They also know that any so called genealogist who proclaims this is a hack One of my own family  lines after 1870 until now 2013 which is 143 are all listed as white. Thats hundreds if not thousands of records that claim them white. The fact is in 1860 they were Mullattos.  A noted NC genealogist who has worked on freed slaves has said they were freed slaves whose master kept them as a second family outside of his white marriage a very common practice. Some records in the 1870s and 1880s go back and forth between their mothers names and these so called masters name. So part one .Being listed as white does not mean shit and shoots Barnes Warren BS in the ass.

Part two: Not listed on any Native rolls. Again does not mean a thing and further many that are listed and have used these records as fact are frauds. Many Cherokees were forced onto these rolls and many are on these rolls with fraudulent testimony of professional government witness or neighbors who have no idea what the truth was. These records used by people like Barnes to claim they ARE Cherokee are in fact in many cases BS. Many Native Americans and Cherokees are on NONE of these rolls but it does not make them any less Cherokee. ”What they are is victims of people like Barnes who have made the absurd statement that they are not Cherokee because the are not on these rolls . There are hundreds if not thousands of people who have proven Cherokee ancestry that are not allow tribal enrollment and attacked by these two hacks because “they are not on the Rolls .For the Cherokee Nation to have a policy that only allows enrollment if you are on the Dawes when they know the Dawes to be fraudulent  is fraud in itself. David Cornstalks own Grandmothers Dawes listing according to him is fraudulent when they listed her as a full blood when she is not..

So now we have shown that Barnes entire argument in regards to Warren is BS and means nothing. But this hack goes one step farther. She has stated as fact that Warrens ancestors are not native American just as she has with the Mhoons and just as she did with the Reeds. The problem is she CANNOT make such an absurd statement without knowing WHO they are. HOW CAN YOU SAY THEY ARE “NOT” WHEN YOU DONT HAVE THE FACTS OF WHO THEY ARE. In Warrens case she and her cronies including Cornstalk have said Warren Ancestor Omma Smith is NOT Cherokee or native American but have never proven who she is or her parents. As a genealogist it is absurd to make such a statement with out that information,. In regards t the Mhoons she and her hacks have declared the Mhoon, Mullens and Sutton are in no way Native American or Cherokee . Then who are they.? You must have this to make such a statement They have no idea who Betsy Sutton was. No proof who Sussannh Hughes is or if she is Stark Mhoons mother. If you notice Barnes always posts there is more to come and it never does. In regards to the Reeds. Barnes was declaring they were not Deleware but she did not have and still does not have proof of who the Reeds are. When I challenged her and her cronies they have nothing on the Reeds beyond Harry Gunn Reed but scrambled to go look and then pretend they had it all along. This is the Barnes and Cornstalk brand agenda genealogy and this is why they have no credibility and anything the present should be laughed at .

Warren is not the first person these two nut jobs have attacked. They have been at it for awhile. While Conrstalk tries to get people to believe he and Barnes have been barred from Genealogical web sites for being Cherokee that is Bullshit. They have being barred for being rude and obnoxious assholes who start playing the race card when exposed. The same with their “Kill the Messenger” BS.. Here is a fine example of Barnes rude and obnoxious BS. When she went after a Mhoon researcher instead of offering help she attacked and in typical nasty cow fashion  posted arrogant and rude statements on her blog as if they had  maliciously committed some type of crime.

“Ok, I just threw up in my mouth a little! Disgusting” “Shut up! It is getting to be too much! Come on!” “Ok, excuse the language, but bull sh*t!”

It is genealogy for gods sake and are we are all to be victimized by rude and obnoxious people for “possible errors” What we do not have to do is tolerate punks  who act like this..

Here is Captain Walmart (AKA:Cornstalk)being a punk back in 2000

David Cornsilk 

Do Some Real Research

“What proof do you have that any of the people you mention were Indians or Cherokees? If nothing is known about them, then how could you possibly “know” they were Cherokees or full bloods? The growing problem of wannabes passing themselves off as Indians today is made worse by researchers who make wild claims that are not supported by documentation. . At the very least, it is insulting to Indian people, and at the worst, it promotes horrible frauds passing themselves off as Indian Shamans, artists and spokespeople for the plight of the American Indian. All the while, our voice is silenced and our culture is bastardized.”

Cornstalk:“If there is proof, then fine, go with it. I’m not interested in debating whether or not you have proof. I just have to wonder what you think is proof. I’ve heard it all. . Whatever!!!! There’s more to proof than the fantasy in most people’s minds.

Here we have Cornstalk claiming the race BS when in fact I am sure they were removed for being obnoxious assholes..

” The group Twila was referring to is run by white people and when Cherokees spoke up, they were removed. It happened to me, her and several others.”

Barnes is as  delusional as she is a hack. She likes to claim people twists her words but the fact is the words speak for themselves.I quote this nut job

“If you or your Cherokee ancestor left the nation we said goodbye to them and their descendents for all time.” and “To put it bluntly to HELL with them and anybody who descends from them”

I sure would like to know who WE is since Barnes represents no one and her opinion means nothing to anyone but herself. The fact is she has an agenda and if a person does not fit her concept of a Cherokee they never will be Cherokee regardless of what evidence is presented.

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