Hack Not Fact

Here is some more top notch genealogical work and typical Twilight Barnes.Here we have a dumb ass(Barnes) posting the work of another dumb ass(anonymous) and then standing back and gloating as if it supports and vindicates her shoody hack genealogy work. The original dumb ass does not understand that all the rest of us see are TWO dumb ass posting BS genealogy work…This person posts BS calls it fact and then proclaims I did it in two hours.The purpose of this is to show whether its the Mhoons, Warren or anybody theses hacks have attack they have no credibility as genealogy and should be laughed out of town .

Dumb Ass:“Hey Twila. Well, I got to admit that I’ve been captivated by what you’ve posted on your blog the last few days. I’ve looked up some of the names and was dumbfounded and nauseated, too

Ans:Really your were “nauseated” because somebody might have their genealogy wrong. If that’s true than its no hard to believe that you are indeed dumb founded.

Dumb Ass:”I have found some documents that I think will help you show that it’s probably Susannah Hughs who is their ancestor”
Ans:The fact is you have provided no such thing. You have no idea who Susannah Hughes is or if she is Stark Mhoons mother.Maybe if you spent more than the two hours on line looking at a few records your so called revelations about the Mhoons would not be such BS

You have made ridiculous statements and assumptions such as

Dumb Ass:”he posted another bastardy bond for Susannah Hughs. One of the children is believed to be Stark Mhoon.”

Ans:BS Based on what. Show me on single document that names Stark Mhoons father and mother. Further if you did have a clue you would understand that if one of these was Stark his last name would be Hughes NOT Mhoon. Unless the father went to civil court and legitimized the so called Bastard child he would have the mothers Hughes name not Mhoon. Case in point is Kitty Hughes listed as having a child with Daniel Brittan. That child was James Hughes not Brittan

Dumb Ass:“Joel was bound to William Gray”

ANS:BS. Joel was NOT bound to anybody. This was not an indenture but an executer bond for Jesse Mhoon, David Yeats and Charles Homer bond.The second was a guardians bond making Jesse Mhoon Joels Guardian. The only reason William Gray was mentioned is because he was one of the Friggin Bertie County Judges

Dumb Ass:“Bertie County Susanah Hughs is not Sallie Hughes and never was.”

ANS:Really than who was she.. Name her parents. To make such a stupid statement you must know this information so tell us all.

Dumb Ass:Joel died on or about 1833 in Bertie Co., according to his own estate papers, and a John Moore was appointed guardian of his orphans Mary Ann Medicus and Thomas Mhoon..
ANS:BS.. It was actually Mary Ann…Medicus and Thomas.. 3 children not 2..If Mary Ann was married she would not have been listed as an Orphan and a guardian appointed,Also.Tell us all who John Moore was..

Dumb Ass:What’s especially irritating is that there was a Tuscarora reservation smack dab in the county were the Mhoons and Mullen’s lived and yet, they still manage to make their relative Cherokee! If you’ve ever been to NC, you see how geographically stupid that is.


ANS:The only thing stupid is you making stupid statements like this when you haven’t a clue. The Tuscarora Res in Betie had not been  Tuscarora for 100 years before the Mhoons in Berite. After 1725 it was a mixed group whose remnants were labeled Cherokee by the state of North Carolina and identified as Cherokee by a report to the Federal Government in 1915

Dumb Ass:“Also, Mathernia Mullen was no full-blooded Cherokee. Both her parents came from land rich people in Bertie that migrated down from Virginia,”

ANS:Really .Name her parents and back it up with documents. To declare she was NOT Cherokee you must have this information. I say you dont. I say your full of BS and latched on to the Pasquotank County Suttons because it suits your agenda. Now prove it or retract you statement



Citation and credit for all Dumb Ass to Pollys Grandaughter

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