When Barnes came across your genealogy instead of contacting you and bringing some “possible” errors based on her opinion and offering you genealogical help this woman attacks you and posts arrogant and rude statements on her blog as if you maliciously committed some type of crime. “Ok, I just threw up in my mouth a little! Disgusting” “Shut up! It is getting to be too much! Come on!” “Ok, excuse the language, but bull sh*t!” It is genealogy for gods sake and if we are all to be victimized for by rude and obnoxious people for “possible errors” well you can be assured you will have lots of company. “What we do not have to do is tolerate punks  who act like this..

Before we get started remember that the Mhoons NEVER attempted to get enrollment form Sally Hughes but claimed rights from Elizabeth Sutton and Baenes had NOTHING to prove Betsy Sutton was NOT Cherokee or NA . Barnes has NOTHING to prove who Elizabeth Suttons parents were. If it exists I have not found it. The connection to the so called Wealthy Virgina family is pure speculation. The same as the Mhoons.

Lets go backwards and start with Barnes attempted slander of the Mhoon family name. In an attempt to defame the Mhoons, as if listing Sally Hughes was some type of heinous crime , Barnes Posted ”Because the 1896 application was rejected, it is important to search for information that gives insight into the character of the Mhoon family” First let me say that despite her flat out lie that the Green Mhoon 1896 application was NOT rejected because it was fraudulent it was not. It was rejected for the same reason that his cousin George T Mullens was rejected “The reason for denial was that the government claimed Betsy Mullen was never a citizen of the Cherokee Nation since the removal west to the Indian Territory” This is the reason the MAJORITY of applications were rejected. Not fraud as Barnes is trying to get everyone to believe… Further the rejection was upheld by the feds but made by the Tribal Council in Oklahoma. George T Mullens application gives the same story on about Elizabeth Sutton as Green Mhoon

Barnes wrote: What was William Green Mhoon’s motive for filing an application in 1896? Land and money. His 1896 application clearly says this – “to be placed on the (unclear) Rolls of the Cherokee Tribe who are about to share in the distribution of funds and allotments.. More Twilight BS. This was not written by Green Mhoon but clearly a lawyer and you will find similar wording on many applications Dawes included. Barnes also points out that the Mhoons were identified by the court as “white and non Indian” which like the census listing and other documents she demands we accept determines race it too means nothing. This was not a court convened to determine the Mhoons ancestors and as we will see it seems the star witness against the Mhoons has declared in the newspaper that they are not white

In her attempt to further slander of the Mhoons, Barnes pulls out a Ft Smith case against George Mhoon and Will Mhoon. First she posts that the Mhoons were bad people and charged with sending obscene material in the mail. Then she posts that George Mhoon stabbed somebody thirteen times for “saying that the Mhoons wrote the so called obscene letters”. To add further insult Barnes says: In the end, they were found “Not Guilty” this does not necessarily mean they were innocent.” Barnes goes on to declare that the file is too big and she will not post any other parts. The real reasons is not size but because Barnes does not want anybody to see the rest of the file because it blows a large hole in Barnes attempt to slander the Mhoons

The real facts of the case are that the Mhoons were found not guilty because they were not guilty. Remember that Barnes must have read the complete file so she is maliciously posting false and misleading information attack the Mhoons character. The fact is the Star witness against the Mhoons had been waging a campaign against the Mhoons for over a year. The fact is the star witness against the Mhoons lied so many times in his testimony he couldn’t keep track. First he saw one word written. Then it was a page. Then it was more and more. First he had no knife .Then he did. Such was Albert Kirkland. The fact is that George Mhoon at the time in 1894 was a 16 year old boy

Despite the grandstanding by Barnes the Obscene material these evil Mhoons were accused on sending was a letter that said “Kiss my Ass”. Gosh it was so obscene I could barely repeat it here. It was allegedly sent to two girls but if you read the testimony only one was produced and the other girl claimed she had burnt hers but she swears she got one and this is what it said. Right. Further all the other witnesses testified that all they saw was the Mhoons at the post office mailing a letter. But one star witness claimed he saw the Mhoons write a single vulgar word. That of course change as he testified to a vulgar page and then he was sure Will Mhoon was dictating the letter although he had never heard him speak but just knew it. It is clear why they were found not guilty.

The star witness Albert Kirkland was 20 years old and much larger than the 16 year old boy George Mhoon. Kirkland had started previous trouble with the Mhoons as he declared in his testimony “Last Winter”, when he tried to have the Mhoons jailed with more false testimony. He accused Green Mhoon of putting his hands on a boy (Kirklands buddy) whom he hand ejected from a singing school the boy was not supposed to be at. The statements provided by Kirkland caused George and Green Mhoon to be arrested but when it got before the Judge Kirklnds testimony much like in this case was in question and did not hold up. The Mhoons were vindicated and the chase dismissed.

That was not good enough for Kirkland. It seems he was the editor of a Populous Newspaper which he claimed he produced at a populous Lodge on Round Mountain. According to his testimony he engaged on a 6 week campaign against Green and George Mhoon by publishing articles abut Green and George Mhoon. What was he publishing in the paper . Now plug your ears because Barnes would not want you to se this which she MUST have read in the file. He was publishing an attack on the Mhoons dark skin color and appearance. What you say. Dark Skin color and dark appearance on the WHITES NOT INDIANS. It seems Kirkland said they were indeed not white. He referred to them as Bleached Negroes. Negroe gentlemen and said that Green Mhoon whom had found a drowned African American had just saw his shadow in the water. These articles went on for 6 weeks and a Mhoon researcher should make an attempt to locate them to see if their content has any remarks about Native American ethnicity . So how is this possible. How does the whitey white Mhoons of German descent according to Twlight Barnes have a newspaper posting that they are so dark they must be bleached Negroes. Funny how Barnes does not mention any of this in her rant. Must be the facts don’t suit her agenda. It seems Kirkland was fired from the paper for his campaign.

Lets get to the stabbing these evil Mhoons committed just because the person exposed that oh so obscene “Kiss my Ass” letter according to Twlight Barnes. As was stated earlier George Mhoon was a sixteen year old boy at the time. Kirkland at 20 was much bigger and had already gone after George Mhoon with a couple of his buddies. He went to a church and laid in wait for George Mhoon until 9:30 PM. His own father it seems grabbed him and detained him from attacking George. The night Kirkland got stabbed thirteen times by George Mhoon he was asked what he was doing at the time George was stabbing him. Kirkland replied he was punching George in the head and face. As it turns out again Albert Kirkland was out to have words with 16 year old George Mhoon. As it turns out Kirkland also had a knife that he claims in testimony he did not have but then change it to he had given to his friend. As it turns out 20 year old much bigger Kirkland was attacking George Mhoon and punching him in the face and head when he got stabbed. A far cry from the Barnes BS that poor Kirkland got stabbed by the evil Mhoons just because he exposed an obscene letter. The facts appear to be that Kirkland got stabbed by a 16 year old boy in self defense. The fact is Kirkland was waging a campaign against the Mhoons for a long time and gone after 16 year old George once already. He had published articles calling the Mhoons bleached Negroes for which he was fired. He had given false testimony in one case and then got stabbed when he was punching a 16 year old boy in the face and head. Its clear he also had a knife. Kirkland then went on to try to get the Mhoons jailed in the letter case with what was clearly false testimony again. Again he failed and the Mhoons were found not guilty.

This is a far cry for the information Barnes posted in an attempt to attack the character of the Mhoon family. Now this information comes from the case file that Twlight Barnes brought to light. She had to have read these facts herself yet in an attempt to slander the Mhoon family for the “heinous” crime of questionable genealogy she hide the information. She also hid the fact that the Mhoons had been under attack for their dark skin and dark appearance which of course is a notable German trait. This is a fine example of Twlight Barnes the nut job ranting about others research abilities yet posting misleading information to satisfy her agenda. Is this somebody you really should have to apologize to because she did not like your genealogy. More on the Mhoons to come..

I don’t like to speculate but one has to wonder why Kirkland was acting as he did but I think a hand written letter to one Cora Brown can gives us an idea. It was included as an example of Georges handwriting since he wrote it to Cora Brown. What!! They had a sample of Georges handwriting and he was found not guilty.. The letter to Cora who was 15 was from a 16 year old boy who wrote my darling Cora. Now why would this make Kirkland mad. It seems old Albert Kirkland at 21 like 14 year old girls. We have name for that now but in 1894 I guess “Kiss my Ass” is obscene but 20 year olds going after 14 year olds was OK. It turns out 20 year old poor Albert Kirkland stabbed just for exposing an obscene letter according to Twlight Barnes, married 15 year old Cora Brown in 1894. Could it not be that George Mhoon was a rival and Kirkland did not like the my darling Cora Brown letters?? Just my opinion and speculation of course.

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