Racism And The Evil Whitey

Despite claiming people twist her words to defame this nut job the fact is her words speak for herself. This loon thinks she is fighting the Evil Whitey come to take form the poor Cherokee. Judge for yourself as we look to see if Racist is a fair assessment.. Now I must admit there is something twisted here but it certifiably is not others.

I believe Twilight Barnes is also a racist who believes herself fighting the evil whitey. I quote Ms Barnes rants:

“If you do the big bad white man will remove you.” “This is not the first time a Cherokee is forced out by the Whites

“The white people think they can take anything they want from the Indians and we have no say” “Listen Yoneig you better change you white way of thinking”

And it goes on until the colonizers have erased the Indians and replaced them with themselves.”

“Gee, an Anglo going to battle against an Indian. That’s nothing new”

Captain Wally Mart:..” The group Twila was referring to is run by white people and when Cherokees spoke up, they were removed. It happened to me, her and several others”

And one of my favorites.A cow playing tough guy.I especially like her big bad Custer rant

” I would like to remind everyone about a bit of history. Remember a man named George Armstrong Custer? He, too, was arrogant and cocky. He, too, wanted to go to battle. And he, too, underestimated the Indians. Now you tell me……….how’d that work out for him?”

“Ancestor Stealers” “Wannbe Hunters “Evil Whiteys” What a load of delusional crap.

This is 2013 isnt it and Barnes and Cornstalk thinks she is still fighting the evil whitey come to steal from the poor Cherokee.I wonder of the evil whitey lined up at the doors of the Cherokee Casinos should take their evil white dollars and go home.

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