Dawes Fraud and Hypocrisy

In attacks on others Twlight Barnes and Walmart Dave has railed against copy and paste  genealogy and have accused many others of using fraudulent records for their family history.They  presented themselves as researchers who ONLY use proven factual records to verify their genealogy. Barnes has presented her family history as fact. Lets have a look shall we at their own ancestors records and see just how factual they are. Lets look into the more than questionable records presented as fact. Both have made snide and obnoxious remarks against those who use Family lore or history as a basis for family history but then point to their own family’s documents and claim them as historical fact when they are based on Family Lore and stories..Barnes Ancestor:”The Above Statements are what I have learned about my family from Relatives” What Twlight you put this out as fact  based on Family Stories and Lore but attack others for the same thing..

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