Dawes Fraud

Lets have a look at the fraudulent Dawes and other Native American Rolls used by others to claim native heritage and used by some to keep others out. The Dawes listing is filled with wrong and in some cases fraudulent information. This information  provided in some cases by professional witnesses and in some cases by Native Americans themselves trying to cheat the system. Many testimonies  were coerced, and blatantly false,by the commissioners  trying to forcibly enroll people..

“Cherokees, many of whom, after forced relocation’s, intermarriages, absconded parents, informal adoptions, and civil wars, had only the fuzziest ideas about where they were from. A significant number of Cherokees—usually members of or sympathizers with the traditionalist Keetoowah society, known as Nighthawks— refused to go along with the Dawes Commission’s racial categorizing One Drop of Blood The American Misadventure of Race By SCOTT L. MALCOMSON

To further illustrate this here is a statement by Cherokee Sarah E Baily from her Dawes packet” So many Cherokee are making and laying claim to be so many when they do not know just what blood kin they are”

sarah hair

“had only the fuzziest ideas about where they were from” or who they were(my embellishment. And yet we have this hack telling us we MUST accept that this determines if your Cherokee or not. BS. And before we start this what about the “other rolls” BS lets not forget Barnes Ancestor:”The Above Statements are what I have learned about my family from Relatives”..Not from documents or records but from Family stories from relatives.Wow isnt this what these two hacks are blasting Warren for??

Many genealogist without an agenda consider the Dawes to be a joke and much of the information on it would not be accepted to establish ancestry..  Famed crime fighter Captain Wally Mart own grandmothers Dawes is a fraud  “Cornsilk’s paternal grandmother, she of the wavy hair, who was informed on by her neighbor Leonard and enrolled as a full-blood, although she wasn’t one.”One Drop of Blood The American Misadventure of Race By SCOTT L. MALCOMSON.. Barnes Dawes is even worse as we shall see

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