Archive for the ‘WHEN HACKS ATTACK’ Category

Killing The Messenger AKA Exposing Delusional Hacks

From Twilight Barnes Fake Cherokee Facebook Page
“Their focus is on “shooting the messenger” rather than on finding the truth.They have tried everything in the book, including spreading lies, taking comments out of context and blocking us from their page so we can’t dispute their lies. They threaten us privately and make every attempt to defame us,”

First here is a news flash “YOUR NOT A MESSENGER” Your delusional hacks from podunk nowhere.

Shooting the messenger is a term to describe the practice of killing the bearer of bad news by those that received it.A messenger was hired or pressed into to service for the sole purpose of delivering a message..A messenger is not rude obnoxious, arrogant punks presenting absurd BS as fact. A messenger is not someone fraudulently pretending to represent a group in this case the Cherokee nation. A messenger is not someone trying to present themselves as an expert in a filed which they clearly have limited knowledge of or ability in. A messenger in is not someone who repeats the same BS over and over and demands everyone else accept it. A messenger is not a delusional hack from Podunk nowhere demanding audiences and spewing BS.

When others, as they should, expose these self proclaimed messengers for being delusional hacks.Expose their theory’s and claims to be absurd and ridiculous. Expose their arrogant rude and obnoxious behavior.Expose their limited knowledge and ability. Then these so called messengers who cannot defend their actions start crying and whining that exposing them is “shooting the messenger”. I say BS..They make  ridiculous statements such as “You whiteys are attacking me because I am Cherokee” which is pure BS and a vain attempt to divert the attention from the fact that their behavior and information is being challenged.It is trying to be used here by those who who act like rude obnoxious, arrogant punks presenting absurd BS as fact.

The simple  truth is they are being challenged for acting like assholes. Nothing more.They are being called out for absurd and ridiculous claims presented as fact. They are being challenged for being frauds and nothing more . That goes for you too Professor Hobbit..

This is similar to the “Internet Troll” label created by some hack guilty of the same rude,obnoxious and ignorant behavior. When challenged for his or her behavior they accuse all others of being trolls in an attempt to stop them from challenging their actions. 98% of the time when these hacks say “I blocked him for being a troll” it really means I blocked him because he is exposing me for being a moron. It really means I blocked him for acting in the same rude and obnoxious manner I do on a daily basis.

Like the little speech above about “defaming us” or “blocking us from defending ourselves” “spreading lies” and then the BS “killing the messenger” All pure BS when in fact Twlight has blocked anybody from her site that asks questions she cant and will not answer. She and her pack of cronies on her fake Cherokee Facebook page act like a pack of punks and then cry foul and accuse others of being “trolls” when they get what they dish out. Telling the truth about Barnes limited experience in genealogy, exposing her absurd assertions,exposing her and Cornstalks rude and obnoxious behavior and exposing her for being a fraud is hardly defamation or lies. Barnes has made absurd and what I consider to be racists rants and when confronted with he own words claims they are being taken out of context.More BS in an attempt to hide for her own delusions and ridiculous rants.

This is not the first time Cornstalk and Barnes have been called out for acting like punks. Old Captain Wally Mart it appears got bitched slapped almost made it in the trunk of a car . Of course nobody was charged because of a big conspiracy against him. Just as the Captain Wally Mart(cornstalk) and the ASS(Barnes) claims were “blocked by the evil whiteys for being Cherokee” the “shooting the messenger” and Trolls delusions are all BS. The fact is these two are frauds and punks and are being challenged because of it..



Racism And The Evil Whitey

Despite claiming people twist her words to defame this nut job the fact is her words speak for herself. This loon thinks she is fighting the Evil Whitey come to take form the poor Cherokee. Judge for yourself as we look to see if Racist is a fair assessment.. Now I must admit there is something twisted here but it certifiably is not others.

I believe Twilight Barnes is also a racist who believes herself fighting the evil whitey. I quote Ms Barnes rants:

“If you do the big bad white man will remove you.” “This is not the first time a Cherokee is forced out by the Whites

“The white people think they can take anything they want from the Indians and we have no say” “Listen Yoneig you better change you white way of thinking”

And it goes on until the colonizers have erased the Indians and replaced them with themselves.”

“Gee, an Anglo going to battle against an Indian. That’s nothing new”

Captain Wally Mart:..” The group Twila was referring to is run by white people and when Cherokees spoke up, they were removed. It happened to me, her and several others”

And one of my favorites.A cow playing tough guy.I especially like her big bad Custer rant

” I would like to remind everyone about a bit of history. Remember a man named George Armstrong Custer? He, too, was arrogant and cocky. He, too, wanted to go to battle. And he, too, underestimated the Indians. Now you tell me……….how’d that work out for him?”

“Ancestor Stealers” “Wannbe Hunters “Evil Whiteys” What a load of delusional crap.

This is 2013 isnt it and Barnes and Cornstalk thinks she is still fighting the evil whitey come to steal from the poor Cherokee.I wonder of the evil whitey lined up at the doors of the Cherokee Casinos should take their evil white dollars and go home.

High Cheekbones Are Out But Big Lips are OK

Here is yet  another example of the Cornstalk and Barnes hypocrisy.. These two put up  post after post of attacks  ridiculing those who claimed high cheekbones were a characteristic of   Native Americans  and claiming you NEVER use characteristics in identifying possible Native Americans here we have Wal-Mart Dave Cornstalk making this statement. Just another reasons why these clowns have no credibility

“There was, for example, the matter of lips. Cornsilk’s are a big-lipped people.”So many of my family have really big lips, and that’s a characteristic, I think, to a certain degree, of many American Indians.”

One Drop of Blood
The American Misadventure of Race

Dynamic Duo Captain Wally Mart and The ASS

Join us as we follow the zanny capers of this dynamic crime fighting duo. Captain WALLY MART (wanna be hunter) and THE A S S  (A..ncestor S..tealer S..layer) who have joined forces to protect the world against the insidious Cherokee Wanna Be,the heinous Ancestor Stealers and the evil whiteys..Mild mannered delusional Podunk hacks by day Davey Cornstalk and Twlight Barnes become rock em sock crime fighters at night.Feel safe and secure as this dynamic duo patrols Wal- Mart parking lots looking for evil artists.This rock em sock duo Scans the Internet looking for other hack genealogists trying to suck the soul right out of Native American dead people. Join them as they scour the National Enquirer and Hollywood Weekly looking for semi famous people lining up to be an evil wanna be. Yes sir TV Land feel safe in knowing that when the call goes out and the Wal-Mart light flashes across the Cherokee sky this crime fighting duo will jump to action to protect and serve..learn from their crime fighting motto “BEWARE THE OPEN TRUNK”

Who said ancestor stealing isnt funny…

Dawes Fraud and Hypocrisy

In attacks on others Twlight Barnes and Walmart Dave has railed against copy and paste  genealogy and have accused many others of using fraudulent records for their family history.They  presented themselves as researchers who ONLY use proven factual records to verify their genealogy. Barnes has presented her family history as fact. Lets have a look shall we at their own ancestors records and see just how factual they are. Lets look into the more than questionable records presented as fact. Both have made snide and obnoxious remarks against those who use Family lore or history as a basis for family history but then point to their own family’s documents and claim them as historical fact when they are based on Family Lore and stories..Barnes Ancestor:”The Above Statements are what I have learned about my family from Relatives” What Twlight you put this out as fact  based on Family Stories and Lore but attack others for the same thing..

The Attack on the Mhoon Family

Lets explore the recent uncalled for, arrogant and obnoxious attack on the Mhoon family who have been accused of the “alleged” heinous crime of “wrong Genealogy”..My god incorrect genealogy.Whats next dogs and cats living in sin. End of the world .The apocalypse. Watch as we expose the hypocritical rants of a “genealogist wanna be” who as it will be revealed is guilty of the same.Watch as the “wanna be “hunter tries to attack the Mhoon family name and Character with a tainted  account of 16 year old boy George Mhoon and as we present the Carey Family for your viewing pleasure….




Republican Suck Pumps

Lest have a look at the Republican party dirt bags behind this pair of Loons .Lets see if despite their denials the evidence proves Republican dirt bags such as Professor Hobbit and others have embraced yet another delusional fringe group to spread their lies and deceit. While I am not political and am only interested in proving these Genealogical hacks have no credibility it seems there is some underlying political agenda to their actions.

Twlight Barnes A Pimple on a Genealogists Ass

If someone could help me figure out where I should start

Despite absurdly claiming to be a genealogist watch as we expose the truth behind Twlight Barnes and her many years of genealogical experience . Join me as we expose her agenda genealogy and obnoxious,arrogant  an BS attacks on innocent people who have done nothing wrong but have the wrong ancestor or “with pride” thought they might be Cherokee. Listen to her Racists rants and vicious attack on Cherokees who were not part of the Fraudulent Dawes fiasco or refused to be put on Reservations..Watch as we share her and Walmart Daves delusions as self proclaimed “Wanna Be hunters” and  front line fighters against “Ancestor Stealers”.. I swear to god its true. You cant make this crap up..All they are missing is a pair of tights and a cape

Barnes claims to be a genealogists but here in 2006 it is clear she does not have a clue

His name was Dick Carey. He was also sometimes referred to as Richard. He was married to Nancy (Fisher) Carey and had nine children with her–8 sons and one daughter. He died in approx. 1936. He was hit by a car and killed. I don’t believe they ever found the person who hit him.

I am in Oklahoma every few months and could look for information myself if someone could help me figure out where I should start

Then a mere 5 years later Barnes claims to be an expert as she does now

4 Mar 2011 3:18PMI have researched Cherokee genealogy for years

So in 2006 Barnes the great Genealogist needs someone to figure out where she should start and in 2011 she has been “researching Cherokee Genealogy for years”. BS


Walmart Dave Cornstalk

Have a look as we reveal Dave got slapped at Walmart and then cried race as he always does when challenged for being an obnoxious punk. Did he really get bitched slapped for being Cherokee or was it because he is an asshole.

“He was campainging at a  Wal Mart parking lot when an artist he had been harrassaing pulled his car up to Cornsilk and popped the trunk.. He slid out of the front seat approached the puzzled Corssilk slugged him and threw him in the open trunk. Cornsilk escaped before his assailant could close the hatch”

The Captian Wally Mart Version”

In April of the election year, a man in Tahlequah decided he didn’t like my politics and slugged me in the mouth in front of WalMart. Of course I filed charges against him, but I was the one who was punished. The Mankiller administration used its influence to protect him from persecution (he was never prosecuted) and used the information against me in a mailer to the non-resident Cherokees.

The mailer told the voters I was involved in a “brawl” and that I had “even filed charges” and “was that the kind of person the Cherokee Nation needed to represent it?” And all with no name, just an anonymous letter, costing a bunch of money to mail out.

The crux of this story is, Charley, they can take anything small and turn it into something big and ugly. I spoke up for my rights and the rights of other Cherokees and got busted in the chops and busted at the polls.



Welcome to When Hacks Attack!

Here we will explore the journey of two punks from Podunk nowhere and their attacks on decent people for the heinous crime of allegedly having incorrect genealogy . Follow us as we delve into the minds of two delusional hacks who have labeled themselves “Wanna Be Hunters” and believe they are fighting against the evil whitey. Yes I know this is 2013 and this is absurd but trust me this is the mindset of the delusional and it gets even more absurd.