Twlight Barnes A Pimple on a Genealogists Ass

If someone could help me figure out where I should start

Despite absurdly claiming to be a genealogist watch as we expose the truth behind Twlight Barnes and her many years of genealogical experience . Join me as we expose her agenda genealogy and obnoxious,arrogant  an BS attacks on innocent people who have done nothing wrong but have the wrong ancestor or “with pride” thought they might be Cherokee. Listen to her Racists rants and vicious attack on Cherokees who were not part of the Fraudulent Dawes fiasco or refused to be put on Reservations..Watch as we share her and Walmart Daves delusions as self proclaimed “Wanna Be hunters” and  front line fighters against “Ancestor Stealers”.. I swear to god its true. You cant make this crap up..All they are missing is a pair of tights and a cape

Barnes claims to be a genealogists but here in 2006 it is clear she does not have a clue

His name was Dick Carey. He was also sometimes referred to as Richard. He was married to Nancy (Fisher) Carey and had nine children with her–8 sons and one daughter. He died in approx. 1936. He was hit by a car and killed. I don’t believe they ever found the person who hit him.

I am in Oklahoma every few months and could look for information myself if someone could help me figure out where I should start

Then a mere 5 years later Barnes claims to be an expert as she does now

4 Mar 2011 3:18PMI have researched Cherokee genealogy for years

So in 2006 Barnes the great Genealogist needs someone to figure out where she should start and in 2011 she has been “researching Cherokee Genealogy for years”. BS


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